(09) 237 8228 021 710 610 willem.eca@xtra.co.nz 131 Dominion Road Tuakau

Students were asked to name 21 reasons why they come to Eden. The following is a summary of the responses by our students:

School climate:

No bullying/The anti-bully feel!/Can’t bully people/Everyone is unique/Don’t feel left out/The way people get along/The way people treat each other/I fit in really well/Everyone is different in their own way/My friends are awesome/Making new friends/I have nice friends/The Christian feel/The values/The school is very energetic/The student involvement/The energy that comes from the school/Eden promotes work hard, play hard/Being happy/The opportunities/It’s fun/This is the first school that I have really enjoyed/I love how much fun we have/Small/The family feel/The reputation/Happy environment/I love the climate/Making people laugh/Kids are happy to come here/I am happy here/I have heard good things here/I feel happy studying at Eden/It’s a small and unique school/Everyone is nice, kind and caring/Seeing everyone smile/Everyone is so supportive/How every class has their own vibe/How open everyone is/How student opinion is actually taken into consideration/Non-judgemental/Tight knit squad/Belonging/Socializing with all age groups Y1-13/So comfortable to fit in, it feels like home/Everyone knows each other/Friends with similar interests/Great school

What Students Say 2
What Students Say 4

Academic and teaching:

The teachers are friendly and can crack a good joke/I enjoy seeing my teachers and fellow classmates/I like how if I have a problem, I just ask for help/The way things are being taught is very good/We can just talk to the teachers/The teachers are kind/I like the teachers/The style of teaching/I like how it is taught/The teachers are helpful/All the teachers are nice/I think all the teachers are good at their job/One-on-one help/The way the teachers are nice to us/The teachers have humour/How we can work at our own pace/How we can take charge/That I do a lot of school work/The quality of education/The homework/Good variation of work/Good amount of homework/Because the school pushes me/The curriculum is very good/The Cambridge course/Good subjects/I have learnt a lot of life lessons/Responsibility is a key factor/I am becoming more responsible/We are being taught Christian ways/It’s a Christian school/How I learn things in Assembly/Mr V is a really good principal/The principal doesn’t just sit behind a desk/A principal that is more student friendly/Mr J is awesome/How Mr V is awesome/Teachers are awesome/Small classes/How passionate Mr V is/How the teachers accept students unconditionally/Leadership skills/Best principal of any school I have been at/Cool subject choices/Great teachers

Facilities, uniform and location:

The uniform is really comfortable/The design of the uniform/Amazing gym/Pretty and bright classrooms/The views are awesome/The location/Country school/The scenery is beautiful/I like how we are on a farm/The environment/Not noisy


Extra-curricular and social:

School ball at an earlier age/Very good role models in the senior class/The way they have good role models/How I am a role model for others/Sports/Capture the flag/Bull rush/ Soccer/The fitness/The recreational activities/Clubs and sports/Special activities and trips outside/How senior students take PE/Lunchtime activities in the gym/Netball/Rugby/Swim hole/Badminton/Good leaders

What Students Say 1