(09) 237 8228 021 710 610 willem.eca@xtra.co.nz 131 Dominion Road Tuakau

Parent of a Year 2 girl and Year 12 boy:

“I love how the school is one massive big family…and all the children are friends and know each other’s names…I love how as I sit in my car in the morning and in the afternoon and I watch mine and other children run down either giving the teachers a hug or high fiving them and that they always seem to come out of school laughing.”


Parent of a Year 8 girl and Year 10 boy:

“The kids love it there, the communication is great. The love that you and the teachers have for the students and school shows through.”

What Parents Say 1

Parent of a Year 10 girl:

“Staff at Eden encourages and supports the kids. From what I can see, the kids all get along, and are considerate of each other (I remember seeing some of the older boys playing a game with the younger boys-something that you just wouldn’t see in other schools –ECA is like a family, and that’s a good thing.)”

Parent of a Year 9 girl:

“The teaching at Eden is of a very high standard. Teachers are approachable by pupils and can be quizzed on their subjects where there may have been a lack of understanding. The only agenda’s that the staff has, is to educate children to the highest standard, in the Core subjects, as well as Christian religion and life skills, without degrading, and with compassion. Political correctness is not a major issue…thank goodness!!! Something at the school encourages my child to do her homework. Hours of it are done sometimes, with no pressure from home and the only reward being…to reach certain goals.”

Parent of a Year 3 girl and Year 7 boy:

“You do well by listening and are always there for the children. If any problems, you deal with it in the appropriate way and academically my children have improved by 100% which makes me very happy. Also show that you care.”

Parent of a boy in Year 2 and a boy in Year 4:

“The school on a whole does well due to the fact that the Principal is passionate about the children and school. That shows in the way the children are content and so are the teachers; that makes for happy parents. To list individual attributes:

The School is welcoming and enrolling is made easy by the direct, personal approach.

The School takes ownership and responsibility of taking care and teaching the children.

The school is flexible in the way that it deals with parents.

The Principal is direct and efficient in dealing with all.”

Parent of a boy in Year 9 and a boy in Year 10:

“Eden focuses on the needs and strengths of each individual child, which really shows in the children and in their attitude and confidence. We wanted an environment where our children weren’t just another number, so they wouldn’t get lost in the system and that their love for learning and individualism could grow. A quality Cambridge education was important to us, and we love the close personal feeling of the school.”

Parent of a girl in Year 9:

“I like the communication with parents. My child has blossomed under the leadership type work done in the school. She loves every aspect of Eden, from academia to sport to art with her friends. She is racing ahead in Science, purely because she is given free rein to pursue the subject at her own pace.”
