(09) 237 8228 021 710 610 willem.eca@xtra.co.nz 131 Dominion Road Tuakau

Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E):

A.C.E. Curriculum (Accelerated Christian Education):


As a Christian school and community, we see it is as our calling to cater for students with all abilities and learning styles. We therefore offer the A.C.E. curriculum as an alternative to the Cambridge curriculum.

Why the A.C.E. curriculum?

  • Individualization: A student entering the A.C.E. curriculum for the first time is given diagnostic tests to determine his precise educational performance level. These tests also identify learning gaps. The student is then prescribed academic material to strengthen his specific weaknesses. He succeeds because he receives curriculum that meet his needs and then challenges him to achieve to a higher academic performance level. Learning is the constant, and time is the variable. Every student is able to learn at his own rate, and he is able to master the material before moving ahead.
  • Mastery Learning: Each student moves ahead only when he has demonstrated mastery. Because each student builds upon concepts he fully understands and progresses when he is academically prepared for the next step, his knowledge and skill retention improves. Mastery is foundational for future learning and leads to academic achievement.
  • Character Building: More important than academic success is character training that prepares students to meet challenges and opportunities in today’s world. A.C.E. embeds sixty character traits into the curriculum and presents role models who display and uphold high standards of personal character strength.
  • Traditional Values: Biblical values and principles are unashamedly incorporated throughout A.C.E. curriculum. These time-honoured values help students build a lifetime of meaningful and lasting relationships in accordance with Biblical principles.
  • Academic Excellence:C.E’s unique program provides the foundation for every student’s success. A.C.E. allows students to go on to higher education and into business or professional careers with confidence in themselves and their abilities.

The International Certificate of Christian Education (ICCE) was independently assessed by the National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom (UR NARIC), with their conclusion being that, “the ICCE Advanced Certificate may be considered comparable to the Cambridge International Examinations Advanced Level standard. Holders of the ICCE Advanced Certificate may be considered to meet the requirements for undergraduate admission in the UK at institutional discretion” (Source: UK NARIC letter, dated 21 December, 2011)